Thursday, September 8, 2011

i shoes tie will::There are many ways to ties shoes, ranging from fast to secure to interesting i shoes tie will

i shoes tie will::There are many ways to ties shoes, ranging from fast to secure to interesting.
Why not test another method out.
You may find you like it better.
The lace runs straight across the bottom and comes through both bottom eyelets 2.
The laces then go straight up into the next set of eyelets 3.
The ends are crossed over and are put under the vertical lace section on the opposite sides of the shoe before going straight up and into the next set of eyelets 4.
At the top set of eyelets, the laces can once again cross over and pass under the straight section.
This creates a consistent look with the rest of the lacing and also forms a high lace lock, which tightens the lacing even more firmly.

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