Saturday, September 10, 2011

low cut jeans and thongs::I feel that we should all take a step back a look at the situation low cut jeans and thongs

low cut jeans and thongs::I feel that we should all take a step back a look at the situation.
Teachers, first of all have to go to college and pass a test for certification before they go into the classroom.
Parents however, become parents before they have been properly trained as students.
Teachers continue to go to school to be a help to their community and the students.
Parents have children and leave them to raise themselves, to be disrespectful to them and to not care about anything.
Today, i find that the school is filled with both young men clowns and young lady clowns.
These students do not care about nothing.
Parents get me sick with their nomanners, disrespectful, knownothing children.
Today, these children do not see the importance of this free education, that we had to fight blood sweat and tears to be able to obtain.
When i and you see them leaving school, they have not one books in their hands.
I guess they know it all.
This one should have shut the hell up.
She should have aimed for your mouth!
Parents you are raising silly, knownothing children.
That situation could have been twisted and this young man could have lost his career as principal of a school.
Children you should be careful, to not let this world pass you by.
You all think that you have it going on.
In these times you should be trying to change the game.
From preschool to twelveth grade children are disrespectful.
They are distruptions to classrooms and to schools.
Something should be done.
Disruption is disruption, no teacher should have to put up with this day in and day out.
Another thing if the mother did not want this to go this far, why is it still being reported?
Parents should grow up.
Parents today are not the parents of old.
This comes from home, if this student is mouthy with ms.
Britton, know he is mouthy and disrespectful to his mother.
Students reading this blog.
Do not find mr.
Talk alot funny, he is interrupting your learning.
The district teaches character and still the children have none.
What was done here is ms.
Britton was pulled or pushed outside of her normal self.
Teachers, i know for sure do not like their time being wasted day in and day out.
They are being held accountable for many things especially the students education.
I say take all bad apples out of the classroom.
See how far they get with that!

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