Saturday, September 17, 2011

amit singhal::Singhal, 42, sat down with the chronicle for the second interview in its series exploring the antitrust issues confronting google amit singhal

amit singhal amit singhal::Singhal, 42, sat down with the chronicle for the second interview in its series exploring the antitrust issues confronting google.
The quicktosmile native of india joined google in 2000 as employee no.
Singhal, who holds a ph.
From cornell university, made clear that the integrity of the search engine is inseparable from his own integrity as a scientist.
Adjusting the tool in response to regulatory and competitive pressures, instead of hard behavioral data, would only guarantee an inferior technology for consumers, he stressed.
Q: the antitrust complaint at the heart of several allegations brought before the european commission is that google has demoted or delisted companies in its organic search results, abusing its dominance in search as a means of elbowing out competitors.
A: our take is very clear.
We evaluate all the ranking changes thoroughly for user benefit and only if a change is beneficial for our users do we launch it.
Q: what are some of the common reasons that sites are demoted in search rankings, and why are those important for the quality of results that consumers see?

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