Friday, September 16, 2011

spells for going places::Warlocks are male witches spells for going places

spells for going places spells for going places::Warlocks are male witches.
The warlock will have an alter or worship area in their personal space the same as a witch.
The warlock will gather tokens, amulets, incense, candles and talismans that create the power and comfort for them.
Warlocks will modify some spells to account for the masculine side of their nature, but the ultimate spell magic from a warlock is the same as that for a witch.
The warlock will light the candles that have been placed in a triangle.
Either the warlock of the token of the person receiving the protection spell will be placed in the center of the white candles.
This spell is neither masculine nor feminine.
The warlock will not need to modify the spell for gender.
A protection spell calls upon the universal force of good to protect the recipient.
Certain herbs are considered masculine in force: anise, basil, betony, chamomile, cinnamon, mint, parsley, pepper, rosemary, sage, st.
These herbs will be used when the warlock wants to modify a spell.
If the warlock needs a fertility spell, then he would target the spell towards his gender.
He would gather two red candles, musk oil, red satin cloth, and one of the masculine scents listed above either in candle, incense or oil form.
The two red candles represent the couple.
He will place the candles on the red cloth.
He will drip the musk oil over the wick of the candle before lighting it.
Then he will ignite the incense and circle the smoke around his physical frame with the incense.
Once this is done, he will place the incense close to himself and the two red candles.
He will then call upon the spirits to increase his fertility.
Changing these thoughts over in his mind.
The meditation time varies per individual, but it should take at least ten minutes to assure proper spiritual support.
The warlock will blow out the candles, let the incense burn to the end, and store the supplies in the red cloth until used again.
The warlock should copy this ritual for seven days.
Warlock magic spells are performed by men and in certain cases are gender specific, but the act of spell casting is neither male nor female.
In valleys of tibet and mongolia there is a special berry that the locals use and cherish so much that they honor it in special celebrations that last two weeks each year.
It is well documented that many people in those areas live free of common diseases and for well over a hundred years.

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