Thursday, September 8, 2011

i shoot the sherif::I shot the sheriff but i did not shoot the deputy i shoot the sherif

i shoot the sherif::I shot the sheriff but i did not shoot the deputy.
For the killing of a deputy, for the life of a deputy.
I shot the sheriff but i swear it was in selfdefence.
I shot the sheriff and they say it is a capital offence.
I shot the sheriff but i swear it was in selfdefence.
I shot the sheriff but i swear it was in selfdefence.
And i started out of town.
So i shot, i shot him down.
I shot the sheriff but i did not shoot the deputy.
I shot the sheriff but i did not shoot the deputy.
And what is to be, must be.
But one day the bottom will drop out, yes, one day the bottom will drop out.
I shot the sheriff but i did not shoot the deputy.
I shot the sheriff but i did not shoot the deputy.

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